The Orange Fairy Book

Andrew Lang

Book Description

"The Orange Fairy Book," edited by Andrew Lang and originally published in 1906, is a part of the renowned "Color Fairy Books" series. This collection contains a diverse array of fairy tales and folklore from around the world, with each story characterized by its unique blend of culture, fantasy, and moral lessons. In "The Orange Fairy Book," readers will find a vibrant assortment of tales from various regions and traditions, including Europe, Asia, and Africa. The stories feature an array of protagonists, from brave heroes and clever heroines to magical creatures and cunning tricksters. Some of the well-loved stories in this volume include "The Magic Mirror," "The Story of Hok Lee and the Dwarfs," and "The Grateful Prince." What sets "The Orange Fairy Book" apart is its ability to transport readers to distant lands and times through captivating narratives that delve into themes of love, courage, wit, and justice. The book's orange cover, like others in the series, beckons readers into a world of enchantment and wonder. Overall, "The Orange Fairy Book" continues Andrew Lang's tradition of presenting timeless folktales that entertain and inspire readers of all ages. It serves as a delightful exploration of the universal themes and values found in the rich tapestry of world folklore, making it a cherished addition to the collection of any fairy tale enthusiast.

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