Uncle Wiggily's June Bug Friends

Howard R. Garis

Book Description

"Uncle Wiggily's June Bug Friends" by Howard R. Garis is a charming children's story that follows the adventures of Uncle Wiggily Longears, an elderly rabbit with a penchant for helping others. In this particular tale, Uncle Wiggily encounters a group of June bugs who are in a predicament. They are stuck in a spider's web and are in desperate need of rescue. Demonstrating his usual kindness and resourcefulness, Uncle Wiggily devises a clever plan to free the June bugs. He uses a mixture of quick thinking and bravery to distract the spider and untangle the bugs from the sticky web. The June bugs, grateful for their newfound freedom, express their heartfelt thanks to Uncle Wiggily. The story continues with Uncle Wiggily and the June bugs forming a friendship. They spend time together, enjoying various adventures and learning valuable lessons about cooperation, kindness, and the importance of helping others in need. The tale is filled with Garis's signature blend of whimsy and moral lessons, making it both entertaining and educational for young readers. Through Uncle Wiggily's interactions with his June bug friends, children are encouraged to develop empathy and to value the joy of making new friends and assisting those in trouble. This book is copyright free and it can be downloaded free of cost.

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