The Circus

Samuil Markshak

Book Description

The Circus by Samuil Markshak Publisher Progress Publishers, 1974 A picture story book for children. Translated from the Russian by Irina Zheleznova. Drawings by V. Lebedev Though this book is not much as to size, It’s a whole circus show in disguise. The performers are monkeys, Bears and hedgehogs and donkeys, Which is nothing if not a surprise. Drawings by V.Lebedow Progress Publishers Moscow Meet the monkey that hangs on a rail, Holding on very fast by her tail. It is longer, it is, Than our African miss, This most useful and elegant tail. . Don’t judge Polly, dear friends, too severely; He’s a genius of sorts, pretty nearly. For unlike other birds He knows dozens of words And speaks very distinctly and clearly. As the puppies come near, he will frown, Will this furry and lovable clown. He will miaow, he will hiss, And you'll know who he is When he jumps and the stool crashes down. Here’s Matryoshka, for such is her name, Of both circus and music-hall fame. She shows coolness and ease On the flying trapeze And is sure to win world-wide acclaim. - Nodding donkeys are rare, it is said; As a rule, they are not too well-bred. But here’s one so polite And so clever and bright That he greets you by nodding his head. Mount this horse, and away he will go Round the ring, not too fast, nor too slow. But just dare him to try, And he wind-like wil! fly And won't stop till you shout to him “Whoa!” These two acrobats Misha and Fedya, Though so young, are quite famous already. Very light on their feet, Quick and agile and fleet And accomplished are Misha and Fedya. Our new juggler is fun when he chooses To appear in the ring and amuse us. In the air with his nose These toy apples he throws And to catch them his needles he uses. On the roof of the taxi these two Pass before you as if in review. With the poodle at the wheel, Safe and sure do they feel, And, dear friends, in their place so would you! This young elephant’s size and his height Admiration and envy invite. Made of sawdust and plush And fed mostly on mush, He’s the bulkiest baby in sight. Watch the frogs and the hares skip and hop, Jump and leap on the music-box top. While the goat and his chum Pound away on the drum, On they prance as if hating to stop.

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