Uncle Wiggily's Funny Auto

Howard R. Garis

Book Description

"Uncle Wiggily's Funny Auto" by Howard R. Garis is a delightful children's story featuring the beloved character Uncle Wiggily Longears, an elderly rabbit known for his adventurous spirit and helpful nature. In this story, Uncle Wiggily acquires a whimsical automobile, unlike any other, to aid in his travels and to assist his friends. The car, characterized by its quirky and amusing features, quickly becomes a source of fun and excitement. It has a personality of its own, responding to Uncle Wiggily’s commands in humorous ways and sometimes creating unintended, yet entertaining, situations. As Uncle Wiggily drives around in his funny auto, he encounters various friends and animals who find themselves in need of assistance. Throughout the story, Uncle Wiggily uses his new car to help others, whether it’s giving a ride to someone in need, solving problems, or escaping tricky situations. Each adventure showcases Uncle Wiggily's ingenuity and kind-heartedness, highlighting the themes of friendship and altruism. The funny auto often plays a crucial role in these escapades, turning potential mishaps into humorous and delightful outcomes. "Uncle Wiggily's Funny Auto" is a heartwarming tale that emphasizes the joy of helping others and the unexpected pleasures found in everyday adventures. Garis's storytelling blends humor with moral lessons, making the story engaging and educational for young readers. This book is copyright free and it can be downloaded free of cost.

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