What Katy did at School

Soosan Coolidge

Book Description

"What Katy Did at School" is a children's novel written by Susan Coolidge (pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey), published in 1873. It is the sequel to "What Katy Did" and follows the adventures of Katy Carr, a spirited and imaginative young girl. In this installment, Katy is sent to a boarding school called Hillsover to further her education and refine her manners. At first, Katy struggles to adapt to the strict rules and regulations of the school, but she gradually makes friends and becomes involved in various escapades with her classmates. She forms close bonds with her roommates, particularly the shy and artistic Rose Red, and together they navigate the challenges of school life. The novel explores themes of friendship, personal growth, and the importance of positive role models. Katy learns valuable lessons about patience, responsibility, and empathy through her interactions with her teachers and peers. The story also touches on the contrasts between the joys of childhood and the responsibilities of adulthood. As the narrative unfolds, Katy faces trials and triumphs, demonstrating her resilience and determination. Through her experiences, readers witness Katy's maturation and development into a more thoughtful and considerate individual. Overall, "What Katy Did at School" is a heartwarming tale of a young girl's journey to self-discovery and her efforts to navigate the challenges of school while maintaining her unique spirit and zest for life. This book is copyright free and can be downloaded for free.

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