English Alphabet Practice Book - Big Letters


Reading Level: 0-1

Book Description

This is an English alphabet practice writing book for big letters. This book is great for pre-K, kindergarden (reception) and grade 1 kids, so download and print it today. This book is free to download/print and is available in PDF format. A - Alligator, B - Bear, C - Cat, D - Dog, E - Elephant, F - Fox, G - Giraffe, H - Hippo, I - Iguana, J - Jaguar, K - Koala, L - Lion, M - Mouse, N - Nightingale, O - Owl, P - Penguin, Q - Quail, R - Rabbit, S - Sheep, T - Turtle, U - Ultrasaurus, V - Vulture, W - Wolf, X - X-ray Fish, Y - Yak, Z - Zebra

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