New Treasure Seekers

E. (Edith) Nesbit

Book Description

"New Treasure Seekers" is a delightful children's novel written by Edith Nesbit and published in 1904. It is the sequel to "The Story of the Treasure Seekers" and continues the adventures of the Bastable siblings – Dora, Oswald, Dicky, Alice, Noel, and H.O. The book is presented as a collection of interconnected stories narrated by the children themselves. They call themselves the "Bastable Treasure Seekers" and are known for their imaginative and mischievous escapades. In "New Treasure Seekers," the children engage in various entertaining and humorous endeavors as they set out to make their own fun and seek adventures. Each chapter revolves around the inventive schemes the children devise, often with unintended and comical outcomes. They attempt to earn money through questionable means, embark on theatrical performances, create their own newspaper, and even try their hands at matchmaking. Throughout the book, the siblings showcase their strong bond and loyalty to each other, while also displaying their unique personalities and individual quirks. The stories are filled with wit, creativity, and a sense of innocent charm that resonates with young readers. "New Treasure Seekers" captures the spirit of childhood imagination and camaraderie, presenting a heartwarming and entertaining tale of a group of siblings who find joy and excitement in their everyday lives. Edith Nesbit's timeless storytelling and her portrayal of the playful and adventurous spirit of children have made this book a beloved classic in children's literature. This book is copyright free and can be downloaded for free.

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