Harding's Luck

E. Nesbit

Book Description

"Harding's Luck" is a novel written by English author E. Nesbit, first published in 1909. The story revolves around the adventures of young Dickie Harding, who finds himself unexpectedly transported back in time to the early 19th century. Dickie, a street urchin from London, is taken under the wing of a kind family, the Beales, who mistake him for their long-lost grandson. He adapts to his new life and becomes deeply attached to the Beales, all while trying to navigate the challenges and differences of the past. As the narrative unfolds, Dickie discovers a mysterious connection between a cursed family heirloom, the Arden family, and his own destiny. He embarks on a quest to right the wrongs of the past, breaking the curse that has haunted the Arden family for generations. Throughout his journey, Dickie learns important life lessons about love, friendship, and the power of empathy. "Harding's Luck" combines elements of time travel, adventure, and personal growth, all set against a backdrop of historical and fantastical events. E. Nesbit's storytelling skillfully weaves together a heartwarming tale that captivates readers of all ages. This book is copyright free and can be downloaded for free.

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