De Roode Pimpernel

Emma Orczy

Book Description

"De Roode Pimpernel," translated as "The Scarlet Pimpernel" in English, is a historical novel by Hungarian-British author Baroness Emma Orczy, first published in 1905. Set during the tumultuous era of the French Revolution, the story unfolds in 1792, as the Reign of Terror claims numerous lives through the guillotine. The Scarlet Pimpernel is the elusive alter ego of Sir Percy Blakeney, a wealthy Englishman with a penchant for disguises and daring rescue missions. The eponymous hero leads a secret league that orchestrates the rescue of French aristocrats condemned to the guillotine by the revolutionary forces. The symbol of the Scarlet Pimpernel, a small red flower, becomes synonymous with hope for those facing execution. Sir Percy's cunning tactics and resourcefulness confound the French authorities, including the shrewd Chauvelin, who is determined to capture the elusive hero. The novel combines elements of adventure, romance, and political intrigue as Sir Percy navigates the perilous political landscape while keeping his secret identity concealed from his wife, Marguerite. "De Roode Pimpernel" is celebrated for its suspenseful plot, memorable characters, and exploration of heroism amid the chaos of the French Revolution. This book is copyright free and can be downloaded without incurring any cost.

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