The Three Bears

Lev Tolstoy

Reading Level: 2-3

Book Description

There was once a little girl who went for a walk in the forest and got lost. She tried to find her way home, but could not, and at last she came to a little house in the forest. The door was open and she peeped in. There was nobody at home, so she went in. This house really belonged to three bears. The Father Bear was a great big, shaggy bear. The Mother Bear was a middling bear. And the Baby Bear was a tiny little bear, and his name was Misha. All the bears were out for a walk in the forest. There were only two rooms in the house — one was the dining-room, and the other the bedroom. The little girl went first into the dining-room, and there she saw three basins of soup, standing on the table. The first was a great big basin; it belonged to the Father Bear. The second was a middling basin; it belonged to the Mother Bear. And the third was a tiny little blue basin; it belonged to Misha, the Baby Bear. Next to each basin was a spoon: a great big spoon, and a middling spoon, and a tiny little spoon. The little girl picked up the great big spoon and took a taste from the great big basin; then she picked up the middling spoon and took a taste from the middling basin; then she picked up the tiny little spoon and took a taste from the tiny little blue basin, and she liked Misha’s soup best of all. Feeling rather tired, the little girl looked round and saw three chairs: a great big chair, a middling chair, and a tiny little chair with a little blue cushion on it. She tried to get on to the great big chair but she fell off it; then she sat on the middling chair and didn’t feel very comfortable, so she tried the tiny little chair, and it was so comfortable that she dapped her hands, and picked up the tiny little blue basin and began eating. When she had eaten up all the soup, she swung backwards and forwards on the chair, till it broke, and she fell down ori the floor. She got up again, picked up the tiny little chair and went into the next room. There stood three beds: a great big bed, and a middling bed, and a tiny little bed. First she lay down on the great big bed, hut it was too wide for her, then she lay down on the middling bed, and it was too high. And then she lay down on the tiny little bed, and it was just right for her, so she fell fast asleep. Soon the bears came home, very hungry, to their dinner. The Great Big Father Bear picked up his basin, looked into it, and said in his great big voice: ‘‘WHO’S BEEN TASTING MY SOUP?” And the Middling Mother Bear looked into her basin, and said in her middling voice: “WHO’S BEEN TASTING MY SOUP?” And Misha, the l iny Little Baby Bear, looked at his empty basin and squeaked in his tiny little voice: “WHO’S BEEN TASTING MY SOUP AND GOBBLED IT ALL UP?” Then the Great Big Father Bear looked at his chair and roared in his great big voice: “WHO’S BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR AND MOVED IT OUT OF PLACE?” And the Middling Mother Bear looked at her chair and grumbled in her middling voice: “WHO’S BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR AND MOVED IT OUT OF PLACE?” And the Tiny Little Baby Bear looked at his broken chair and squeaked in his tiny little voice: “WHO’S BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR AND BROKEN IT TO PIECES?” Then the three bears went into the bedroom. The Great Big Bear roared in his great big voice : “WHO’S BEEN LYING ON MY BED AND CRUM- PLED IT UP?” And the Middling Bear grumbled in her middling voice : “WHO’S BEEN LYING ON MY BED AND CRUMPLED IT UP?” And the Tiny Little Bear stood on a stool to get into his bed and squeaked in lias tiny little voice: “WHO’S BEEN LYING ON MY BED?” And suddenly he saw the little girl asleep there and squeaked out again, at the top of his tiny little voice: “There she is! Hold her! Hold her! There she is! Hold her! Oh, oh!” He was just going to bite her when the little girl opened her eyes, and saw t he Three Bears, and ran to the window. The window was open and she jumped out and ran away. And the 1’hree Bears couldn’t catch her up.

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