Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Book Description

Please click on the thumbnail to read the book in html or pdf format. Understood Betsy is a 1916 novel for children by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. The plot of the novel is as follows : The story tells of Elizabeth Ann, a 9-year-old orphan girl who goes from a sheltered existence with her father's aunt Harriet and cousin Frances in the city, to living on a Vermont farm with her mother's family, the Putneys, whose child-rearing practices had always seemed suspect to Harriet and her daughter. In her new rural life, Elizabeth Ann comes to be nicknamed "Betsy," and to find that many activities that Frances had always thought too demanding for a little girl are considered, by the Putney family, routine activities for a child: walking to school alone, cooking, and having household duties to perform ....

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